Articles and Book Chapters
- “What is boredom and why is it bad?” Perspectives on Ill-Being, ed. C. Tappolet and M. Rossi, Oxford University Press, (in press).
- “Attachment in the Wake of Impermanence: A Comparison of Hume and Buddhism on the Practical Implications of having “No-Self”. History of Philosophy Quarterly (40)4 2023, pp. 338-358.
- “Re-Imagining the Quality of Life” Journal of Philosophical Research (48) 2023, pp. 233-245.
- “Engagement, Experience, and Value: A reply” Journal of Philosophical Research (48) 2023, pp. 259-269.
- “The Interesting and the Pleasant” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy. 24(1) 2023, pp. 58-80
- “Virtue” Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology, ed. John Doris and Manuel Vargas. (2022)
- “Virtue and Moral Psychology in Hume’s Enquiry” Critical Guide to Hume’s Enquiry Concerning Principles of Morals, ed. Esther Kroeker and Willem Lemmens. (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
- “Happiness”. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online), first published 2021.
- “Happiness, Meaning, and Psychological Richness” (with Oishi, S., Choi, H., Koo, et al). Affective Science 1 (2020), pp. 107-115.
- “The Psychologically Rich Life.” (lead author, with Shige Oishi) Philosophical Psychology, 2020.
- “Learning Virtue” Journal of Moral Education. Special Issue on Self-Determination Theory, Morality, and Virtue. Ed. Randall Curren and Tobias Krettenauer. 49(3) (2020), pp. 282-294.
- “Psychologically Rich Life Questionaire” (with Oishi, Choi, Buttrick, Heintzelman, Kushlev, Westgate, Tucker, Ebersole, Axt, Gilbert, Ng, and Besser) Journal of Research in Personality 89 (2019), pp. 257-270.
- “Hume’s Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Moral Psychology” The Humean Mind, ed. Angela Coventry and Alex Sager (New York: Routledge Press, 2019) pp. 458-469.
- “Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and Morality: Building from Hume’s Account.” Humean Value Theory and Contemporary Psychology, ed. Rico Vitz and Phil Reed. (New York: Routledge Press, 2018), pp. 209-225.
- “Virtue of Self-Regulation.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 20(3), (2017), pp. 505-517. Special Issue on New Directions of Character and Virtue, ed. Nancy Snow.
- “Virtue Traits and Personality Traits.” in Moral Psychology, vol 5: Virtues and Vices, ed Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Christian Miller (MIT Press, 2017), pp. 105-112.
- “Conceptual Challenges for a Science of Eudaimonic Well-Being.” Handbook of Eudaimonic Well-Being, ed. Joar Vittersø (New York: Springer, 2016, 85-91).
- “Eudaimonism.” Routledge Companion to Well-Being, ed. Guy Fletcher (New York: Routledge Press, 2016), pp. 187-196.
- “Two Objections to Virtue Ethics.” Ethics and Politics, XVII (2), (2015), pp. 60-73.
- “The Situationist Critique” Routledge Companion to Virtue Ethics, ed. Lorraine Besser-Jones and Michael Slote (New York: Routledge Press, 2015), pp. 375-384.
- “The Pursuit and Nature of Happiness.” Philosophical Topics, 41(1), (2013), pp. 103-122.
- “The Role of Practical Reason in an Empirically Informed Moral Theory.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15(2), (2012), pp. 202-220.
- “The Motivational State of the Virtuous Agent.” Philosophical Psychology, 25(1), (2012), pp. 93-108.
- “Virtue and Flourishing in Our Interpersonal Relationships.” Philosophic Exchange, 42 (2011-2012), pp. 5-29.
- “Drawn to the Good? Brewer on Dialectical Activities.” Journal of Moral Philosophy, 8 (2011), pp. 621-631.
- “Hume on Pride-in-Virtue: A Reliable Motive?” Hume Studies 36(2), (2010), pp. 171-193.
- “Social Psychology, Moral Character, and Moral Fallibility.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76(2), (2008), pp. 310-332.
- “Personal Integrity, Morality, and Psychological Well-Being.” Journal of Moral Philosophy 5(3), (2008), pp. 361-383.
- “The Role of Justice in Hume’s Theory of Psychological Development.” Hume Studies 32(2), (2006), pp. 253-276.
- “Just War Theory, Legitimate Authority, and the ‘War’ on Terror” in Philosophy 9/11: Philosophers Look at Terrorism, ed. Timothy Shanahan (Open Court Press: La Salle, IL 2005).